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This Mummy Art Project is a blast to make. It is so simple that kids of all ages are able to do it!
Mummies come from ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife and that they needed to preserve deceased people for that life. This process is called mummification. It was a complicated process with several steps. It took seventy days from start to finish to create a mummy. Luckily this craft is a lot simpler and can be completed in only 3 steps!
Items Needed For Mummy
8x10 Canvas
Black Paint
Paint Brush
Elmer's Glue
Athletic Tape
3" Goggly Eyes

Paint the 8x10 canvas black. This includes the front and all four sides of the canvas. Painting with kids is always an adventure and most likely will be very messy. I recommend placing a cheap plastic table cloth underneath your painting incase any paint spills. Since you are painting the sides of the canvas you run the risk of drips and paint touching the table cloth and canvas. If it dries likes this, the paint will act as a glue and attach the canvas to the table cloth. To avoid this, I recommend placing four paper cups underneath the canvas to prop it up.
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I was able to purchase these large Googly Eyes at a local craft store. Each eye is 3 inches in diameter. I have also found them on Amazon if you wish to order them. Use regular Elmer's Glue To attach the eyes to the black canvas.

It is now time to add the mummy's wrapping. I've tried several different things, but I have found the easiest mummy wrap is white athletic tape. You can find athletic tape in any grocery store or order it online. Cut a piece of tape and wrap it around the canvas at an angle.
Can't find athletic tape? Use paper instead. Cut the paper into strips about 2 or 3 inches wide and glue each piece to the canvas.
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Continue to add strips of athletic tape. Place the tape at different angles. Don't be afraid to leave part of the canvas unwrapped. The black will show through and add dimension to the Mummy artwork.